Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reviews: The Social Network

Directed by: David Fincher

   I didn't get the Fincher I like out of this one, but it still made the "Watch 'Til I Die" list. Bought a copy in case there's a CAT6 apocalypse-yes I love this film.
  For the "best screenplay of 2010" effect, watch it three times, choose a different principle character to follow each time-then logon to your Facebook page . If you don't have a Facebook page, stop reading this and set one up.
  Dense urgency, mild confusion and desire open this film. Given the fast paced age of information it's no wonder why the first instance of dialouge is cluttered with background conversation. Viewers are introduced to the rapid speech patterns of Mark Zuckerberg(played wonderfully by Jesse Eisenberg).10 years ago a character like Mark was not uncommon and certainly isn't uncommon today. The difference is that character is now embedded into the coding of Earth. I don't mean the superficial, paranoid parts. I mean the driven, focused and innovative parts. The motivated idealist in us all. The intellectually independant "go-getter."
  This film, in my opinion, is a blueprint on how to make something out of nothing in the 21st century. Ideas are the way of the future in any discipline, but that idea has to be better than the one before it, and the one before that. People have to realize that our value isn't monitary, never was or will be. Processes of thought have to be concise and relavent within the universal moment of conception, and please GET THERE FIRST!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Living End

  "Dead End", that's what I think about when I look at my career. I've found myself musically, artistically and socially, but I came to a complete stop once I discontinued contruction on my career path. Not even sure if the path was plotted before paving.
  Enough is enough-like "Jennifer Lopez"enough. I'm done with getting by. I want to compete for life. Measure my success on paper in stead of with paper. At the same time I plan on blogging about it and other things as I go.

Stay tuned..........................
